Autumn Scavenger Hunt

Autumn Scavenger Hunt

When our children were still at school, well actually Harriette(28) and Pip(27) are both still studying, the school holidays were always a time to kick back and relax. Being at home with no morning schedule was what they looked forward to most, that and having special time out with us. It was always a bit … Read more

At Loggerheads


It is amazing what you find when you start filling the woodshed for the winter.  I started cutting up a big branch trimmed of our gum tree when I came across this smile. As sometimes happens when you are dealing with wood, it will talk to you. It said “I’m to good to burn, I … Read more

Bees Come A Calling.

Bees Come a Calling

As much as we love bees and plan to have a hive in our garden in the not too distant future, this particular arrangement didn’t really suit us. So a quick call to our trusty gardener Nick who has a great working relationship with bees and also happened to have a new empty hive waiting … Read more

Winter Dining

Winter Dining

The joy of sitting by a roaring open fire cannot be denied. Egypt, our 17 year old cat can testify to the benefits of warmth and comfort. I would go one step further and add a meal to the experience and that experience is complete. The fire at Jester House is guaranteed to be blazing … Read more

Share a Cup of Kindness

Share a Cup of Kindness

Last year Steve and I explored Sri Lanka over our winter break.It was a fantastic 4 weeks and I can throughly recommend Sri Lanka as a wonderful holiday destination. One of the main reasons for our choosing to go there was my interest in tea. Not being a coffee drinker I am always seeking out … Read more

The Great Easter Egg Hunt

Jester House Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Egg Hunt

Everybody loves Easter. It doesn’t come with the stress of Christmas, there is a 4 day holiday, long enough to go away and relax and there is of course all those delicious chocolate Easter eggs and hot cross buns. Steve, Harriette, Pip and I have always been lucky enough to be visited by the Easter Bunny who has hidden eggs in our garden and delighted us with the thrill of having to hunt for them.

With this in mind we have created The Great Jester House Easter Egg Hunt which started on Easter Saturday with a hiss and a roar as over 50 children throughout the day hunted for the beautifully painted eggs hidden in the garden. They recorded their finds and were then treated to an Easter cookie that they munched while designing their own Easter Egg in the      hope of winning a Jester House t-shirt.

Easter Egg Drawing Activity
Jester House Easter Egg Hunt

It was wonderful to see the children rushing hither and yon looking for the eggs with other children or their parents helping them out when they got a bit stuck not being able to find that last one. The designs they have drawn are gorgeous and inspiring.

The hunt will continue through the school holidays giving the children a fun activity to do while their parents can sit and enjoy a relaxed coffee.

Happy Easter/School Holidays to everyone from the team at Jester House.

Jester House Easter Egg Hunt and Activity

A Mystery To Solve.

Mystery To Solve Signature

This lovely watercolour painting of our home was spotted in a Nelson op shop by some Jester House customers. They mentioned it to the shop staff who rang and told us it was there. Steve popped in to check it out and was thrilled to find not only a painting but a very fine painting … Read more